About cPVC
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) is a thermoplastic produced by chlorination of polyvinyl chlo-ride (PVC) resin which is significantly more flexible and can withstand higher temperatures than standard PVC. CPVC is the first choice of material for potable water supply across the world and is in use across the world for more than 50 years.
CPVC shares most of the features and properties of PVC. Because of its excellent corrosion reis-tance at elevated temperatures, CPVC is ideally suited for self-supporting constructions where tempera-tures up to 200 0F (90 0C) are present. CPVC can withstand corrosive water at temperatures greater than PVC. The principal mechical difference between CPVC and PVC is that CPVC is significantly more ductile, allowing greater flexture and crush resistance.
Due to this property it is ideal for use in hot and cold water applications in villas and indiviual homes, residential aparments, offices complexes, commercial buildings, hotel and hospitals.